Friday, June 1, 2012

Church Fathers

"The ancient Eastern churches did not have scholars or theologians, but rather 'Fathers of the church.' The assumption behind that language is: Only when we see the authenticity of your piety, and your commitment to the church, will we take your scholarship seriously."

~Ken Bailey, Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes (IVP), 123.


RVWarren said...

Two patristic quotes seem apropos here:

"If you are a theologian, you will pray truly; if you pray truly, you will be a theologian" -- St. Evagrius of Pontus (I think)

"Theology without practice is the theology of demons" -- St. Maximos the Confessor

Both are Eastern Fathers and I am convicted over and over again by both.

Unknown said...

It is certainly challenging. And comforting to know that to think such things does not automatically make you vulnerable to charges of anti-intellectualism.